International Sports Forum 2022

María Eugenia Reyes Jaramillo – EAES La Salle – México
María Eugenia Reyes Jaramillo – EAES La Salle – México

International Forum

“Building Paths for Peace and Non-Violence through Sport”


Spanish version

To be held on July 1, 2022.

Headquartered at Calle José María Morelos 31, Tlalpan Centro I, Tlalpan, 14000 Mexico City.


The Circuito Ultras Organization in alliance with the RED of researchers on sports studies, physical culture, leisure and recreation, invite the academic and scientific community, researchers, professionals in sports and society studies and related disciplines, to exchange academic approaches on the construction of paths for Peace and Non-Violence in the systems for the representation of identity through sport.

The theme will be approached from various perspectives in different categories such as transversality in the academy, public policies, civil organizations, media culture, trademark entities as well as those involved in the sports industry, among others.

This Forum is the first of its kind and its purpose is to present, make visible and raise awareness of the knowledge about the particularities of sport in its construction of paths for Peace and Non-Violence within democracy, its social representation and the creation of identities. and sense in the national social framework or from the complexity of international competitiveness.



Sport is a very broad complex of meanings with different social, commercial, economic, political, academic, cultural, tourist, environmental, etc. purposes.

Currently, the notion of a sport for all and forever predominates, where no one is excluded and its practice is not defined by age or by physical, social, economic, religious, sexual condition or in any way that sectors or limits any gender. and always within contexts of peace and harmony.

It is a factor and social phenomenon that generates values ​​and strengths that contribute to the development of the country and the creation of a competitive and sustainable nation both internally and internationally.

Sport is thought to be inclusive and pacifist, with values ​​and respect for individuals, institutions and flags per se… but the reality is far from it.

Despite the great advances of humanity, there is still intolerance, racism, contempt, rejection, myths and endless inequitable and exclusionary modalities that lead to stigmatization, discrimination and violence.

The paradigm of current sport is the inclusion of societies and citizens with the aim of recovering coexistence, rebuilding social fabrics and building interactive societies based on respect and Peace and where violence in all its manifestations and levels has no place. It is the recovery of the human being and his own human nature.




Make visible the reality of sport from the perspective of Peace and Non-Violence in terms of gender as well as social, demographic, migratory, racial and economic conditions.


Raise awareness of the many opportunities to open sport to the freedoms that Peace and Non-Violence generate.


Sport transforms and sport transforms. The humanized human being is sought through sport and its values ​​in Peace and Non-Violence.



This Forum is aimed at the general public but mainly at specialists in topics directly related to Sports: Social (psychology, sociology, anthropology…), Academics, Journalists… Science, Culture, Environment… Researchers, Organizations and People in vulnerable conditions due to social exclusion (essentially within sport).

Secondarily to trademark entrepreneurs, franchises, media, advertisers, associations and chambers as well as public and private universities.



Through an International Forum in the house with headquarters at Calle José María Morelos 31, Tlalpan Centro I, Tlalpan, 14000 Ciudad, develop presentations in different formats for one day, with the presence of mass and electronic media and guests with a profile specific to a researcher, scholar, authority, or witness. To achieve this, there will be the participation of benefactors, donees and/or sponsors who will contribute to the solvency of the expenses with contributions in kind and/or financial contributions.

The Forum will be announced through dissemination in electronic and printed media, institutional and social networks, a microsite on the web pages of the participating institutions, mailing, an institutional video with adaptations and presentations in the previously defined places.



  1. Social Programs
  2. Citizen Actions
  3. Research Works
  4. Publications
  5. Special Projects
  6. Organization of Events



  1. Round tables of 60 minutes + 30 minutes interactions
  2. Online videoconference (pre-recorded) of 20 minutes (to publish in the Virtual Forum)
  3. Poster 90 x 120 cm





Daniel Zambaglione – Red Latinoamericana y Caribeña de Deporte Social para la Inclusión – Argentina

Programa Abriendo Puertas – Casa Refugiados – México

Jalil Ascary Del Carmen Clemente – AMAELL, A.C. – México

Karla Carrillo – Consultoría Deportiva – México

Marco Leal – CONADEMS – México

Miguel Martínez – EIG Business School – España

Marely Flores – FIFA – Suiza

María Eugenia Reyes Jaramillo – EAES La Salle – México

Carmen S. Peña – Partners of the Americas – México

Ciria Margarita Salazar – Universidad de Colima – México